620 E. John Rowan,  Boulevard Bardstown, KY 40004
(502) 459-1440 | Toll Free 1-877-459-1440

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How Do I Join A Fraternal Organization?

We are often asked, especially on our social media pages, "How do I join a Fraternal Organization?" There are several worthy organizations and we always direct inquiries to a national organization where one exists. They can then direct you to a state or local contact that will provide you with the answers you are seeking. Follows is a list of the most predominant Fraternal organizations currently active in the United States. Simply click on the link for further information:


Royal Arch Freemasonry

Capitular Freemasonry

Knights Templar

Scottish Rite (Southern Jurisdiction)

Scottish Rite (Northern Jurisdiction)

Shriners International

The Grotto

Order of the Eastern Star

Order of the Amaranth

White Shrine of Jerusalem

Daughters of the Nile

Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

Loyal Order of Moose

Knights of Pythias

Fraternal Order of Eagles

Why Should I Order My Custom Lapel Pins or Challenge Coins from Fratline?


  1. No Die Charge
  2. FREE Design Help
  3. FREE Art Set-Up
  4. Up to FIVE Colors Included
  5. No Color Match Charges
  6. Highest Quality Craftsmanship
  7. Low Minimum Quantities
  8. FAST, Reliable Service
  9. Ordering Your Custom Pin is EASY!
  10. Over Three Decades of EXPERIENCE
  11. DEDICATION to serving only fraternal organizations, clubs and associations.
  12. We have the most complete library of fraternal emblems and logos available.
  13. No Hidden Charges
  14. 100% Total Satisfaction Guarantee

Contact us today via email or toll free at 1-877-459-1440 to begin your Custom Lapel Pin or Challenge Coin project.

How do I Start the Process of Ordering a Custom Lapel Pin, Challenge Coin, Jewel or Embroidered Patch?

In general, the process starts with an email or phone call. We need to know the following:

  1. What is the intended purpose of your custom item? Presiding Officer Commemoration, Goodwill, Recognition, Anniversary Celebration, Fundraising, etc.
  2. What do YOU have in mind for the intended product design? Theme, organization name, number, location, imagery, etc.
  3. What is your timeline?
  4. What quantity will you need?
  5. What is your budget, if any?
  6. Do you require any type of special packaging for the finished product?

With these things in mind, Fratline will develop a complimentary (FREE) design for your consideration. Once the design is approved, we can accurately quote the project for you.

I will be Potentate of my Shrine Temple soon. What does Fratline offer?

Since 1991, Fratline has been developing identity and recognition programs for Potentates of Shrine Chapters throughout North America. These programs usually consist of custom Potentate lapel pins, Bolo Ties, Challenge Coins, First Lady lapel pins and charms, name badges, plastic drinkware, napkins, can coolers, glassware for Potentate Balls and much more. Contact Fratline today to get started on your customized Potentate Program built around you, your Temple and theme for the year. Our company President, Shawn Warren, is a Past Potentate of Kosair Shriners and certainly has a keen awareness of what you may need to have a successful term as Potentate. You can view an older copy of our “Potentate’s Planning Book” in the Information Section located in the Main Menu.

How long will it take to produce my custom regalia order?

While Fratline stocks hundreds of items that can be shipped on the next business day, we do offer items of custom regalia that are made to order. These custom items include, Masonic Aprons, Knights Templar Chapeaux and Shrine Fezzes. Each are made to order for the respective Client or Organization. Generally speaking, we can complete a custom order of any size within 4-6 weeks of approval. We will advise you of the production timeframe when your order is placed.

How do I Measure for My Hat Size?

Fratline offers a variety of Fraternal head wear that is custom made to your hat size including: York Rite Royal Arch and Council caps, Knights Templar Chapeaux, Scottish Rite caps and Shrine Fezzes. Here is how to measure your head to determine the proper hat size when ordering:

Using a cloth tape measure or string, measure the circumference of your head with the tape or string placed ONE FINGERS WIDTH above the eyebrow and TWO FINGERS WIDTH above the top of the ear. The tape measure or string should not be too loose or tight. Pinch the tape or string where the end meets the tape and remove. For example, if the tape shows 23", your hat size is a 7-3/8. Use the chart below to determine your proper hat size.

Hat Sizing Chart

Is the Owner of Fratline a Member of Fraternal Orders?

B. Shawn Warren, President & CEO of Fratline

Shawn Warren is a native of Louisville, Kentucky. He received the Degrees of Freemasonry in Plumb Lodge No. 862, F & AM, being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in July of 1991. He is a Past Master of St. Matthews Lodge No. 906 and St. George Lodge No. 239. He served as Secretary of St. Matthews Lodge from 1994-1999. Shawn has served on various Committees of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F & AM.

York Rite of Freemasonry: He was exalted in King Solomon Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Masons, greeted in Louisville Council No. 4, Royal & Select Masters and Knighted in Louisville-DeMolay Commandery No. 12, Knights Templar all in 1994. Bro. Warren is a life member of all bodies.

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: Member of The Valley of Louisville (Southern Jurisdiction, A.A.S.R.), having received the degrees in 1991. Bro. Warren received the rank and decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honour in 2009. He has served as Chairman of the Robing Room since 2001.

Mystic Shrine: Bro. Warren was created a Noble of Kosair Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. In 1992 and served as Illustrious Potentate in 2014. He served as Recorder and business manager from 2016-2018. Shawn currently serves as President of the Southeastern Shrine Association.

Bro. Warren is a member of several allied orders and appendant bodies of Freemasonry, including the Order of Eastern Star, Amaranth, Royal Order of Scotland and was a longtime advisor in the Order of DeMolay. He is a Past Chancellor Commander of Jefferson Lodge No. 280, Knights of Pythias and served as Vice Grand of Chosen Friends Lodge No. 2, I.O.O.F.

fratline emblematics

620 E. John Rowan Boulevard
Bardstown, KY 40004
(502) 459-1440 >> 1-877-459-1440
Fratline Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved Powered by Saint George